
What to do if You Are on the Road for the Holidays

Being away from your home and family as a truck driver is difficult no matter what time of the year but it can be especially difficult if you are away for the holidays. The holidays can be lonely on the road and it often when the weather is the coldest and the road condition can be less than ideal.

Take Extra Caution on the Road

During the holiday season, the road will likely be busier than usual plus the road conditions could be questionable this time of year. Allow yourself extra time to get to your destination so that you do not have to rush. Be patient on the road and be sure you are prepared for the road conditions. If the weather turns bad and you need to wait for roads to open be sure you are prepared with enough food, fuel and warm clothes. If you are in the mountains, be sure you have chains for your tires. If you do need to wait on the side of the road until they are open again, take advantage of the time and connect with family and friends.

Participate and Spread Holiday Cheer

If it is possible, participate in nearby holiday festivities. If time allows, find a nearby activity that you can participate in to help get you in the holiday spirit. If that is not possible, try listening to holiday music, decorating your cab and pick yourself up a special treat to help celebrate. When you meet other truck drivers that are on the road, spread kindness. Be sure to wish everyone happy holidays and even consider having treats that you can hand out to other truck drivers and truck stop employees.

Stay Connected with Family and Friends

Thankfully, with technology today it is easier to stay connected with family and friends. When it is safe to do so, video chat with family and friends. You could also consider sending packages home from where ever you are to remind your loved ones that you are thinking of them. Send pictures of where you are and ask them to send you pictures of what they are doing so you feel a part of the holiday celebrations.

Use Your Time Off Strategically

If you are going to be on the road during the calendar holidays, talk to your loved ones about celebrating either before you leave or once you are home. There is no rule that you have to celebrate holidays on the actual calendar date. Be flexible and encourage your friends and family to be flexible as well so that everyone can enjoy holiday traditions, no matter when that is.

Loved Ones of a Truck Driver

If you are a loved one of a truck driver and you know that they will be on the road for the holidays, consider helping them get through the holidays on the road. Some ideas might be to pack them a homemade care package, connect with them often by sending holiday inspired photos/videos and plan your holiday festivities around their schedule when possible.

No matter what, being on the road for the holiday season can be difficult but hopefully some of these ideas can help you get through the season the best way possible.


