
Pick up Bumpers vs. Bull Bars

An after-market bumper can change the look of your pick-up quickly. It is not just for looks though; it can be very functional. Most bumpers have a place for winches and will fit properly around headlights. A bumper will also protect your truck if you are in an accident (with another vehicle or an animal) or getting through mud, bushes or any other material that might cause damage to the front of your truck.

Pick-Up Bumpers

Pick-up bumpers come in many different shapes and sizes depending on what vehicle you are going to be on. The main function of these bumpers is to protect your truck, not only that, it can change the look of your vehicle for the better. The bumper is typically lightweight, usually less than 200 lbs. They are a full bumper replacement, providing full protection for the front of your truck and are made of aluminum or carbon steel.

Bull Bars

Bull bars are a full replacement for the factory bumper that is on your vehicle. It can be directly mounted to your vehicle. Bull bars typically provide more protection for the middle of your vehicle, so change the look of your vehicle less than a pick-up bumper. They are made of welded steel or aluminum tubing. The bull bars mount directly to the chassis and provide slightly less protection then a pick-up bumper.

When you are trying to decide between and pick-up bumper and a bull bar it really just depends on what you are looking for in both function and appearance. If you are looking for full protection with a more rugged look then you should go with a pick-up bumper. If you are looking to alter the appearance of your truck with less protection then a bull bar is the way for you to go.

Ali Arc provides both pick-up bumpers and bull bars. They are both made with high tensile aluminum that mount directly to your vehicle. Both the pick-up bumper and the bull bar is a full bumper replacement with the bull bar having slightly less coverage. They have a high polish finish but have custom options if that is something you are interested in.

You can visit our products page here to see our line of bumpers. Feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable team if you have any questions by emailing sales@aliarc.com or calling 1-877-725-4272.




There is no doubt that winter is the most difficult season to drive in. Driving in snowy and icy conditions is unavoidable as a truck driver at times. Since winter is not going anywhere, we thought we would provide some tips and tricks to help avoid any accidents or downtime in the cold winter months.

Relax and slow down

When road conditions start to get wet, slippery and snowy it is important to adjust your speed accordingly. If the road conditions start to worsen as you are driving remember to relax and do not panic. Do not follow other drivers to close be sure that you give yourself enough reaction time to avoid accidents. If you get to the point that you feel like you cannot drive anymore find a safe place to pull over and wait until conditions get better.

Winter Operation Training

As a responsible driver, it is important that you take the time to have proper safe winter operation training. Learning maneuvering and skid control skills are essential in having a safe and successful winter. Be sure that you understand where your tire pressure should be in different climates. A set of chains can always be helpful and in some states and provinces is actually mandated by law. Proper tire pressure can make a big difference on the road when there is snow or ice.

Circle Check

A complete and proper check is critical when weather conditions are less than perfect. Be sure that your defroster and heater are functioning at 100%. Be sure your wipers are working well and all of your fluids are topped up. It is also important that your mirrors and windows are clean before setting off for the day. Keep your lights cleans so you can be seen and take every opportunity to fill your fuel tank.

Know Before You Go – Be Prepared

Check the road conditions before you set off. Check with other drivers who may have just come off the roads that you are heading to. Be sure you check in with someone so they know where you are when possible. Keep your truck supplied with food, drinks, and proper winter clothing so that in the event you get stranded you will have your basic needs. Do not leave your truck if you become stranded or stuck.

Remember, there is no load that is worth risking your life or the life of others on the road. Even the most experienced drivers need to pull over in a safe location and wait for the road conditions to get better.

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