
How the Trucking Industry Has Changed and What Might Happen Next

The concept and function of the trucking industry has not drastically changed but within the industry there has been a lot of changes. New technology, regulations and new ways to transport cargo had to be introduced because of the global pandemic. Some of those new methods will stay around and some of them will go to the wayside now that there are less restrictions.

Electronic Log Books

In the past decade one of the biggest changes in the trucking industry is the introduction of electronic log device (ELD) being mandatory according to federal law. In the United States, the law was passed in 2016 and in neighboring Canada the law was passed in 2021.

Prior to the ELD law being passed, drivers would log their driving hours in paper log books that could be reviewed. With the introduction of ELDs it creates a safer working environment and allows companies to accurately track, manage and share drivers records with more ease.

Owner Operators

Over the past three years or so there has been a significant increase in independent drivers out on the road. Reports show there has been an increase of over 75% of drivers with one truck who are for hire, that is over 130,000 trucks in the United States alone. It is believed that the motivation for truckers to do this is because of the increase of spot market rates, more money can be made plus the appeal of independence. Companies have recognized the pay increase and appeal and have recently significantly increased their ‘pay per mile’ rates.

Energy Efficient Trucks

It has been reported that the trucking industry contributes about one fifth of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. With the increase of the threat to global warming, the trucking industry, along with many industries, are finding ways to decrease their carbon footprint. One way the trucking industry is doing this is by slowly introducing electric trucks and using low-emission trucks that may replace diesel trucks one day. 

Predictions for the Future

Of course, it is hard to know exactly what is going to happen in the future with the trucking industry. Experts see trends happening, some might be obvious and some less obvious. With advances in technology evolving everyday energy-efficient and automated trucks will continue to change the trucking industry. It is hard to predict exactly what regulations and economic changes will impact the industry but they will for sure. With there being such a shortage of professional truck drivers and fuel prices soaring, man power and costs will continue to be a challenge in the future.

If you are a truck driver currently, staying informed can help to navigate the future whatever challenges and changes come for the trucking industry.



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