
Tips For Driving At Night

Some truck drivers prefer driving at night when the roads are quieter with less traffic. There are definitely pros and cons to driving at night. Sometimes it is a choice and sometimes you cannot avoid it. Whether you choose to drive at night or have no choice but to do it, we wanted to gather up a few tips that might help.

Be Seen

Make sure all the lights on your truck are in good working order and clean. This includes the identification, clearance, reflectors, marker and taillights. Not only should you make sure they are working when you start your journey you should double check periodically while you are on the road. As important as it is for your truck to be seen, if you need to get out of the truck make sure you can be seen. Wear a high visibly vest when you need to get out of the truck.

Be Heard

Not only is important to be seen, it is important to be heard. Make sure that your horn is in good working order so that if people cannot see you on the road, they can hear you. You could also carry a whistle incase of emergency. It is easy to alert anyone around you quickly if you are caught by surprise.

Fight Fatigue

Plan for a few stops throughout the night, a chance to stop and stretch your legs and get some fresh air. Use caution when you stop at rest areas, be aware of your surroundings.

A few other steps that can help to fight fatigue during the night is to eat light and as healthy as possible. Greasy, high-carb food will only make you more tired. Have a plan to get a good sleep during the day when you do have a break. Keep the temperature on the cooler side inside the cab.

Another tip that might help is to find something to entertain you without distracting you. Some of your favorite music or an interesting podcast would be a good example.

Watch Your Speed

It is always imperative to watch your speed on the road but it is even more critical at night. Often roads have lower speeds posted in the night. Make sure that you are respecting the posted speed limits and slow down if the conditions are not ideal. Be cautious of other drivers too, it is more likely for drunk and distracted drivers to be on the road at night.

Driving in the dark, can be done safely but extra strategies should be considered. Hopefully, some of the advice above will help you get to your destination on time and safely.




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